Returning to Wannado Street dance must be a safe experience, but I want to make sure that the sessions are as normal as possible with in the guidelines.

Wannado promotes positivity, expression, energy and FUN! It is important to me that these qualities are focus to the sessions, whilst limiting Covid transmissions.

This document is to outline the baseline procedures, in line with Government guidance, to limit exposure and transition of COVID-19 during Wannado Streetdance sessions. Some procedures may have to be adapted to certain settings. This accounts for external classes facilitated by Wannado with in a school venue. This is following the school’s interpretation of government guidelines. Please do familiarise yourself with procedures and talk through with your child before class.

Few things to be aware of:

-There will be no parking on site, but there are plenty of spaces on the road.
-Toilet facilities are very limited. Please toilet your child at home where possible.
-Please do not loiter around the entrance gate, we must maintain social distancing.
-I need to run a smooth operation for entrance and exits, please line up no earlier than 5 minutes before class, and please collect on time.
-Parents are not allowed to walk their child into the venue
-Please wear a face mask when dropping off and collecting your child.

Preparing the space

Teacher will wear a clean work Tshirt when entering a new venue.
Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance to the space.
Teacher will sanitise hands before students arrive.
Teacher to use their own sound system, which is controlled via phone.
If appropriate, antibac wipes to be used on music devices and sound system contact points.
Ventilation to be maximised with windows and doors open where safe and possible.


Spaces to be marked out using PE Spots or pre marked grids with Masking tape.
2m social distanced spots to be adhered to.

Entering the space

Students to wait in a socially distanced queue outside The gate to the carpark on PELHAM ROAD, until the dance space is ready and the teacher has invited them in. You will not be allowed in the school grounds unless Kerry has said. Please do not arrive earlier than 5 minutes before class, so that we can let the students from the previous class out first.
No parents are allowed to enter the gate. Children must walk through with the teacher, with out parents.
Students will sanitise hands at the gate.
Their temperature will be taken on arrival.
Students must arrive dressed with trainers, and limited belongings (if any at all, only a bottle of water is advised)
Students must go directly to their spots/grids on arrival

During the class

Students to avoid using any other facilities in the building during the session (PLEASE try to toilet your child at home before leaving for dance class.)
Teacher must stay socially distanced from the students as much as possible. There may be some cases where this is not possible. In which case, a note will be made of such instances, and the school and parents will be informed for their records.

Leaving the class

All students to sanitise their hands before exit.
Students to only leave with permission, maintaining distance.
If parents are collecting children, they are to be waiting, with social distancing, by the gate where they dropped off. NO PARENTS TO WAIT ON SITE.

Collecting your children UPDATED (ALL Level 1 classes, and Level 2 Juniors only):

To avoid the mass of people at the pedestrian gate between classes, Kerry or AVA (her wonderful assistant) will call parents down to walk through the pedestrian gate, and wait on the closest available YELLOW arrow on the path outside. I will bring the children to the front entrance to wait socially distanced on the grass and then you can follow the RED exit arrows out of the car park. Can I ask that you do not block the entrance, or the exits on waiting, so that teachers exiting the building can do so easily and safely.
Please do not enter the grounds to collect your child until Kerry or Ava asks you to. (I will get told off by the school if you are loitering)

Collecting your children UPDATED (Level 2 Seniors, Crew, and Level 2 Juniors Only):

No one else is arriving after you, so I will bring the children out to the gate as normal and hand them over 1 by 1.


Incase you forget which class your child is in!

4.35 – 5.20pm – LEVEL 2 INTERS
5.25 – 6.10pm – LEVEL 1 INTERS
7.05 – 7.50pm – LEVEL 2 SENIORS

4.35 – 5.05pm – LEVEL 1 JUNIORS
5.10 – 5.40pm – LEVEL 2 JUNIORS

Teacher to check proper cleaning of equipment, sound system, door handles.
Teacher to sanitise hands before exit.
Windows to be kept open on exit if possible, to encourage healthy ventilation, unless locking up the space.

Consecutive lessons

If a venue has consecutive classes, at least 5 minutes between the last child exiting, and the first child entering must be given to allow for cleaning and reset.


School is to disclose any information on participating students that may have been in contact with COVID-19 within a 14 day period of a session.
Wannado to inform the school and parents, if a teacher may have been in contact with COVID-19 with in a 14 day period of a session.
School, parents and Wannado to communicate via email if any of the guidelines are adapted or changed.


-We understand that the guidelines are changing on a weekly basis, and we may need to adapt policies and procedures accordingly.


-It is under government guideance that children under 11 should remain social distanced where possible, but it is understood, especially for the younger children, that this maybe challenging. we will encourage social distancing as much as possible.